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Living in Barcelona

10 Things To Do When You Get Home From A Trip

Barcelona 10 things to do after a trip
Written by Allison

Most of us even returning from a short trip to Barcelona tend to just want to get home and slump on the couch. However here are 10 things to do when you get home from a trip that won’t only help to save you money but remain healthy. Plus will ensure that every minute of your trip is savoured.

Tip 1 – Check Bank And Credit Card Statements

Whilst this is good advice for you to remember doing all the time, it is more important after returning from a trip. Check to see if there are any double charges made or spending has taken place which you have authorized. If you notice any irregularities immediately report these to your bank or credit card company.

Barcelona 10 things to do after a trip

As soon as your trip has finished make sure that you turn this package off. If you don’t then you will continue to be charged for it over the coming months, which could increase your bill costs quite substantially.

Tip 3 – Go Through Your Emails

Often when away for a couple of days most people tend to try and avoid work altogether. However as soon as you get back make sure that you spend time going through your emails. Reply to those you consider urgent and just archive or delete emails that don’t need a reply or you won’t actually read.

Tip 4 – Remember To Take Care Of Your Body

After being away for a few days you will have eaten and drunk a lot and your body may be feeling a little sluggish. Make sure on your return home you drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. This will help your body to get rid of toxins and chemicals that can lead to you feeling tired.

Take Care Of Your Body

Tip 5 – Going Through Your Photos

If you do this one of the 10 things to do when you get home from a trip will ensure that you can create great captions for them, whilst the memories are still clear in your mind.

Tip 6 – Check Loyalty Programs

After getting home it is a good idea to go online a couple of days later to make sure that you received the points or air miles you are entitled to. If you find they have then use the receipts you’ve kept to make sure that they are then credited to your account.

Tip 7 – Make An Insurance Claim

Should something untoward happen whilst on your trip then make sure you make a claim against your travel or health insurance once you get back home. Never put this off because there may be a time limit on how long after a trip such claims will be agreed upon.

Tip 8 – Share Your Experiences With Others

After you have returned home why not take the time to actually write a review for a particular hotel or restaurant you visited during your trip on sites like TripAdvisor.

Tip 9 – Unpack

As soon as you get home unpack your bag. You don’t want to find something festering in there.

Tip 10 – Begin Planning Your Next Trip

This is the most important of the 10 things to do when you get home from a trip, especially if you only visited a location for a short time. The sooner you get the return visit to Barcelona organised, the the sooner you can think about what you want to do when you get there.

About the author


Allison is a writer who has spent a number of years traveling around Europe before deciding to make Spain her home. Since then, she has spent a lot of time enjoying all that the city of Barcelona has to offer.


  • Great! I was impressed by reading this article. Thanks for sharing this informative article. Allison, I like your job. keep it up.

  • Oh Yes! great article. good job Allison. Thank you for sharing the best Tips.

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