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Art Therapy

Art Therapy
Written by Paula

Art therapy is a form of expressive therapy. It uses the process of creating art to work on a person’s emotional, physical and mental well-being.

art therapy barcelonaArt therapy is based on personality theories, family systems, human development, psychology and art education. Also known as “creative arts therapy”, art therapy allow patients to express and understand emotions by creating art pieces with materials such as chalk, paints, and markers. This happens under the supervision of a professional art therapist, who is trained in both art and psychological therapy.

Art therapy is a recent therapeutic discipline that arose in the middle of the twentieth century, in English-speaking and European countries. The term art therapy itself was invented by Adrian Hill, a British artist who was hospitalized, recovering from tuberculosis Hill wrote about the benefits of engrossing his mind and fingers in the process of creation, helping to release inhibited creative energy.

Benefits of Art Therapy

Art therapy can help people learn things about themselves; help them to process emotions and feelings. Through Art therapy, patients can achieve emotional catharsis, get a feeling of personal fulfillment, start feeling more empowered, reduce their levels of stress, and even help their process of physical rehabilitation.

Art therapy is especially beneficial to children, who are normally less capable and less comfortable expressing themselves through conversation.

If you think art therapy is a method that may be of help to you or someone you know, get in contact with one of the centers in Barcelona who offer this therapeutic method.

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Creart  offers art therapy consultations by Anna Freixanet, trained at IATBA – Instituto de Arteterapia en Barcelona. The first appointment is more of an interview lasting about an hour and is free of charge.

Artemisabcn Multispai Artistic

art therapy barcelonaArtemisabcn Multispai Artistic is a personal growth and personal potential development school with a holistic approach. The school proposes to educate and accompany each individual’s path of personal evolution, offering tools the student can use to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Artemisabcn Multispai Artistic offers three different forms of therapy: dance therapy, music therapy and art therapy.

Artemisabcn Multispai Artistic is located at Carrer Regás, 33, inside the neighborhood of Gràcia.

About the author


Paula is an experienced content writer, translator and editor.

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