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Barcelona with kids

Back to school shopping in Barcelona

Written by Laura

With little time left before end of summer and the start of a new school year, there are a variety of things to prepare for this change. Textbooks, uniforms, school supplies… there are so many things to figure out it can seem overwhelming. Going back to school is always an exciting time for children, and can be a stressful time for parents, who sometimes don’t know where to start, especially if they’re new to the city. Barcelona has a multitude of department stores and specialized school supply stores with supplies, textbooks, uniforms, clothes for different extracurricular sports and more. Today in this article from ShBarcelona, we will talk about going back to school and the places where you can find everything you need to take on the new year.

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Where to find everything you’ll need for the start of classes in Barcelona

It’s September, and the end of summer vacation is near. A new school year is coming, and along with that comes the cost of clothes, uniforms, equipment, books and school supplies. Some items or supplies can be passed down as hand-me-downs from older siblings or given by generous friends and family, but other times it’s not so easy, and we have to turn out our pockets to be able to pay for school costs and, in some cases, the wants of our children. When it comes to uniforms, school clothes and equipment, we suggest three locations where you can find these products. For starters, there is El Corte Inglés, a shopping mall with different locations throughout the city and that offer school and sport uniforms for different schools in the city. This shopping center also sells official textbooks from various instructing centers as well as school supplies. You can visit their webpage here. If you don’t have much time and prefer to shop online, you can pay a visit to Uniformes de Colegio, an online store that offers official uniforms from many of Barcelona’s schools, as well as backpacks, cases, shoes, accessories or pajamas.

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Another department stores that offers sports team and school uniforms as well as school supplies and official textbooks is Carrefour. These stores, which are also located in different metropolitan areas all over the city, offer generic school uniforms, lab coats, schools, socks and leotards. You can go on their website to compare prices, quality and offers here. One of the most emblematic store in Barcelona regarding school supplies, books and different school supplies is Abacus. Abacus is a co-op that offers interesting discounts for these types of products, as well as books and office supplies. There are a variety of Abacus stores throughout Barcelona, and you can view their website here.

Where do you go for back to school shopping in Barcelona? Is there another store in the city that you recommend?

About the author


American journalist living temporarily in Spain. Her passions include news and feature writing, Spanish language and culture and the outdoors.

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