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Living in Barcelona

Barcelona is a DIY happiness factor

Barcelona life
Written by Kerry

I’ve worked in Barcelona for over two years and during that period, I’ve had an office of over a hundred people with only ten to twenty of them from Barcelona.  There has been a wealth of culture in the office from Italians, British, South Africans, Americans and many more.

I ask them the one question, “Why Barcelona?”

The majority would reply with things such as they met someone in Barcelona and fell in love.  Other people would say that they met their partner outside of the city, but their partner wanted to come back home and relocate to Barcelona.  The one answer, I have found over fifty percent of them saying when I asked this question was, “I came here on holiday and I never left.”

I have never worked or lived in a city and had that correspondence as to the reasoning behind why people reside in Barcelona.  As the months flew past, I began to comprehend the reason for their answer.  It’s not only the good food, wine or the cultural world that resides in Barcelona.  It is the best of both worlds.  If you enjoy living by the sea it is within easy reach from anywhere within Barcelona.  Morning and evening strolls or jogs can be taken along the coast.  There are many skateboards, roller skaters and cyclists that enjoy going along the coast in their different forms of transport during the weekend and especially in the summer months.  I spent many Sunday’s going on fishing trips with my boyfriend along the coast.

If you enjoy nightlife, then you can spend every weekend drinking to the early hours of the morning and still return to the office later in the day as long as you work your hours.  Our office and many others in Barcelona have a flexible policy in regards to working hours.  As long as employees make up their hours, their bosses are flexible, with their working hours.

About the author


Kerry is a journalism student and a blogger living in Barcelona.

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