Biodanza is a self-development system created by the Chilean anthropologist and psychologist Rolando Toro Araneda, in the 1960s. The name of this system joins two words: bio (from the Greek) meaning “life” and danza (from the Spanish) meaning “dance”. Biodanza means, therefore, “the dance of life”, and it is a method that uses music and movement to deepen self-consciousness under the belief that life itself is movement. Being a social activity, it aims the exploration of individual emotions integrated into a group, teaching people to overcome social discomfort when expressing their feelings. Furthermore, Biodanza promotes integration and deepens relationships with other human beings and with nature in general.
In his book “Biodanza” (2008), Rolando Toro defines this dance as “a system of human integration, organic renovation, affective re-education and relearning of life basic functions”, promoting happiness, communication and human relationships. Although it might sound a little bit “neo-hippie” at first, this system can do wonders for individuals who seek self-expression but struggle with confidence or always feel a little awkward in social meetings.
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If your profile matches with what you have just read or if you just enjoy the opportunity of making new friends, dancing and finding more about yourself, Biodanza is definitely for you. Keep reading to find where to practice.
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Table of Contents
Escola Biodanza SRT – Espai Viu Barcelona
The mission of this school is to encourage self-development through a two years long course that aims to develop personal abilities, the way one interacts with other people and with events in his/her life. It is in this context that Espai Viu teaches Biodanza, following the model of Rolando Toro.
Address: Carrer de Papin, 31.
Related article: Dance therapy in Barcelona | Healing through movement
Actitud Gestalt
The objective of this school is to promote a humanist and creative attitude in which joy, wellbeing and self-esteem are restored. They organize Biodanza classes at two different sites in Barcelona: in Sant Monjuïc and in Gracia.
Address: Carrer de Maignon, 10
Viva la Biodanza
This blog aims to spread Biodanza all over Spain. Although they do not seem to have a specific address, they organize weekly Biodanza classes in Barcelona and in the all the Spanish territory. They also arrange Company classes. To know more, follow them on Facebook (their most updated communication medium).
What are you waiting for to enroll in the dance of life?
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I would like to take part in one of your biodance lesson.Tank yo