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Good to know

Don’t waste, donate

Written by Paula

Donate clothes

donation barcelona

Donate hair

There are a variety of organizations that accept hair donations in order to create wigs for people undergoing cancer treatment or suffering from a medical condition that causes hair loss, like alopecia, burns, etc.

The rules to donate hair are basically the same from organization to organization.

  1. The hair donated must be at least 20cm long.
  2. The hair must be clean and dry.
  3. The hair must be cut and sent in a tight braid or ponytail.

Almost all organizations allow you to either cut your hair yourself and send it to them, or drop it off at one of the various hairdressers that collaborate with them.

For more information visit Las Melusinas, Mi pelo por ti, or Mechones solidarios.

Donate furniture and electrical appliances

If you have furniture and electrical appliances in your home or office that you don’t use anymore, contact, an NGO that collects those items and delivers them to schools, workshops, non-profit organizations, etc.

Another possibility is exploring websites like, in which a variety of organizations post specific needs.

Donate money

There are a number of organizations like Cruz Roja, WWF, Greenpeace, and Doctors without borders that have ongoing campaigns for donations you can contribute to. But if you want something more personal, try visiting some of the online crowdfunding platforms like Mi grano de arena, Mi aportación, and Microdonaciones. Each of these platforms present a series of situations in which people with needs can request help from those who wish to help. There are requests for donation of time, money, services, clothes, and items wheel chairs, medication, blankets and much more. The money donations are usually related to children’s health, homeless people, fighting disease, helping animals and other similar topics.

donation barcelona

Few things are more generous than donating your time to help worthy causes. There are plenty of volunteering opportunities in Barcelona, in areas related to animal care, domestic violence, oncology, and the elderly. Take a look at our article about volunteering in Barcelona for more information.

About the author


Paula is an experienced content writer, translator and editor.


  • Hello, Paula.
    I am moving from Barcelona to Santander this month (September 2017), and I have a washing machine and a refrigerator in excellent working condition (each is less than one year old) that I would to donate to an organization that can either use them, sell them to raise funds, or pass them on to refugees, survivors of domestic violence, AIDS patient, etc. Do you have any suggestions?

  • Seeking your advice
    I selling my flat in llorett del mar on 25 April 2024. I have just been told I need to empty the flat. Is there any charity organisation, refugee aid or even an individual who would be interested in collecting the furniture. It would be 4 single beds with new mattrasses, dining table and 4 chairs, sofa and sofa table, fridge, and some appliances. THe collection date is sature 27 April.

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