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Healthy eating options in Barcelona

Mercat de La Boqueria
Written by James

As you will soon discover on your visit to Barcelona the food offered in this part of Spain is very rich and colourful. So finding more healthy options for you to enjoy may look as it is going to be almost impossible. As soon as you arrive in the city all you seem to see are pastries, croissants, cakes and plenty of oily tapas.

Arco Iris

In this article, I am to provide you with some ideas for where you can eat healthy meals whilst enjoying your stay in Barcelona.

Breakfast – The most important meal of the day

I would highly recommend that you head over to Mercat de La Boqueria for your breakfast. Situated in Rambla de Sant Josep this market offers up great fresh produce you can use to create some truly healthy and delicious breakfasts with. You’ll find yourself spoilt for choice as to what foods to include and the prices charged are very reasonable.

Lunch – Time to take a break from all that walking

La Mar Salada

Dinner – Now’s the time to relax and unwind

If this is your first visit to Barcelona and you are interested in trying some tapas then I would highly recommend you head over to La Clara. You’ll find that this particular restaurant provides over 50 different kinds of tapas for you to enjoy.

However, for the vegetarians or vegans among us, there are a number of really great restaurants located around Barcelona that are worth a visit. One of these being Arco Iris situated on Roger de Flor. The prices charged are very good and as a result, this restaurant is proving extremely popular and you may need to wait a while before a table becomes available. Of course, you could always book a table.

About the author


James is a passionate writer in love with the beautiful city of Barcelona.

1 Comment

  • yes really good service,i like this service.thank you for this service.i hope that your service will satisfy people.

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