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Pokémon Go: Catching them all in Barcelona

Pokémon Go is the most recent fever that has hit humankind. Half of the world seems to be busy chasing pocket monsters while the rest of it does not understand the craziness around this new game by Nintendo and Niantic.

Photo by Chillino Drink via Visual Hunt / CC BY-SA.Photo by Chillino Drink via Visual Hunt / CC BY-SA.

Photo by Chillino Drink via Visualhunt

Those who grew up watching the series developed a bond with its characters which will always be part of their childhood memories. When they were little, many of them pretended to catch Pokémons with their friends, wishing they could be real. For many others, Pikachu was their childhood imaginary friend. Having the opportunity to – finally – materialize this fantasy is a dream come true (even if only virtually). The release of a game that mixes real world with virtual reality and, most importantly, is accessible to the majority of people, is a manifestation of the future in the present.

If you are a “Pokémaniac” or just a curious person who wants to know where in Barcelona you can fulfill the wish of catching them all, keep reading so you will be ready for the hunt.

Related article: How To Find Out The Latest Technological Trends In Barcelona.

Ciudadella Park

At Ciutadella Park hyou can find water Pokémons, like Wartotles, Goldeen, Magikarp, and fire ones, such as Magmar. This park has two gymnasiums and dozens of Pokespots where you can get new pokeballs.

Casa Batlló

This is another big spot for Pokémon hunters, especially if you are looking for a Pikachu. Charmanders, Bulbasaurs and Squirtles have also been found there.

Barceloneta Beach

At Barceloneta, you will most commonly find Magikarps. But there are also Omanstar and Psyduck, the fiery Vulpix and the electrics Magnamite, Voltorb and Pikachu. Gymnasiums and Pokespots can also be found there.

Related article: Great gifts for frikis – Part II.

Plaza de l’Olivereta

Photo by willy-photographer via Visualhunt

Charmanders have been seen at this spot, located in the Badal neighborhood. This is one of the cutest pocket creatures and one of the most searched for.

Port Vell

Here Dratini seems to be a certain catch. On the opposite side of the port, near Moll de Bosch i Alsina, close to Las Golondrinas, you might get lucky enough to catch an Onix.

Watch out!

Barcelona is full of these virtual creatures. It just takes time, trained legs and a phone to find them. For more information about where to find a Pokémon friend, gymnasiums and Pokespots in the city, take a look at this map and run to catch them all. But, as the game warns you, be aware of your surroundings and do not cross roads without looking at both sides. Plus, do not invade private property. It is not a nice thing to do.

Are you looking for an apartment to rent in the city? Let ShBarcelona help you with it.

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Diana is a writer with a Master degree in Marketing and a degree in Sciences of Communication.

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