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Restaurants and tapas

Slow Food restaurants in Barcelona

Slow Food restaurants in Barcelona
Written by Paula

Slow Food is a movement that was created in 1989 as a response to the growing chaos of the non-stop society. Present in over 150 countries, with over one hundred thousand members, Slow Food works to impact agricultural, gastronomic and food production practices, encouraging a concept of food quality that is based on three points:

restaurant barcelona

Clean – production techniques that do not harm the environment or people’s health;

Fair – consumers are sold the food at accessible prices, and the small producers receive fair payment.

If you would like to enjoy good and healthy food that respects Slow Food’s principles, here are some of the restaurants you can visit during your stay in Barcelona:


Monvínic is a wine bar and restaurant created in 2008 with the objective to become a center of wine culture. The restaurant has an exquisite menu composed by dishes like berenjena a la mel y sesame, seta de castaño crujiente, cebolla tierna vigatana escalivata con arenque salado, and secreto de cerdo ibérico à la provençale. Monvínic also has a conference space and a documentation center.

Monvínic is located at Carrer de Diputació, 249.

Related article: The gastronomic challenge in Barcelona

Cinc Sentits

Cinc Sentits is a restaurant that uses the very best Km 0 ingredients to create their magnificent dishes. This high-class establishment offers food tasting menus, each of them formed by creations that are new to each season.  You can choose between the six-dish menu, a four-dish menu and if you are coming for lunch, a mid-day menu. The first two menus are pricier, reaching the three digits.

Cinc Sentists is located at Carrer d’Aribau, 58.


slow food barcelona

Onanuit is located at Carrer Joan Ciera i Pons, 13.

About the author


Paula is an experienced content writer, translator and editor.

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