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The “new” Spanish political party “Podemos”

Spanish political party Podemos
Written by Adriana

If you are a little aware of Spanish politics you have probably heard of a new party led by Pablo Iglesias and arising from the movement of the 15M “indignados” (outraged). But perhaps you don’t know exactly what their political agenda is or what there is really behind their proposals. From ShBarcelona we suggest you to learn about “Podemos“, because to live in a country means undestanding its politics, and this party is a part of it as it’s said that it represents a huge part of the Spnaish population that, so far, wasn’t represented by any political party.


“Podemos” have been defined by some international and national media as a extreme left-wing that have asked for equality of opportunity and wealth distribution as a means of tackling social inequalities arising from capitalism and the financial crisis. Others say the fact that they prioritize equality above liberty, could lead to a closed dictatorial anti-European regime. If we look at the facts objectively, the capitalist system has brought us to such a deep economic crisis that any proposal that is opposed to this model must be given a chance, right? Many still think that Podemos is dangerous, but at least is a different proposal, and that’s is Spain would need in times like that.

What is the “Podemos” program?


In short, despite the attacks this party receives for the great reform that would involve the implementation of its program, is one of the few alternative proposals to the existing system, which reflects the dissatisfaction of much of the population that doesn’t feel represented by any party in the Spanish parliament.

About the author


Adriana is a writer, content & community manager, web designer, media analyst and tireless traveler.

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