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Catalan folklore

The Catalan log or Tió de Nadal

wood logs
Written by Paula

The Catalan Christmas season is a very particular and traditional time of year, full of unique little characters.

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One of those characters is the Caganer, a ceramic figure representing a man dressed in typical Catalan clothes, with his pants down and exposed buttocks, squatting over his newly produced poop.

As strange as it may sound, the little fellow is placed in Catalan nativity scenes as a way to bring luck and prosperity for the following year.

What is the Tió de Nadal or Spanish Caga Tió?

Its meaning

If you have walked in the center of Barcelona during Christmas season, chances are you have already spotted this happy character staring at you from a variety of windows.

The Catalan log, known in Spain as Caga Tió or Tió de Nadal is literally a log to which people add eyes, a nose, a mouth, two small legs and a traditional Catalan hat. It is a cute little character who people easily grow fond of.

caga tio with food in box

But don’t get to attached to a Tió de Nadal, because before Christmas is over, you will be spanking that merry log for gifts! Need to read that again? We’ll give you a minute.

The Tió de Nadal is usually placed in the living room, so everybody can interact with it. The family covers the log’s body with a small blanket, so it remains cozy and warm during the Christmas season.

During the month of December, the log is fed by the children, who believe it is actually eating the food they leave out for him since their parents remove the food from sight during the night or leave some of it out but with bite marks on it.

Stay in Barcelona and check out the Caga Tio!

What happens on December 24th? A special Caga Tio song

It all sounds nice and harmless but the 24th is not a particularly happy day for this beloved family mascot. The happy little log is placed by the fire and the ceremony begins.

Each child is given a stick so that they can hit the log, demanding that it poops out presents for them as they sing the traditional Caga Tió song: Caga Tió, Caga torró, avellanes i mató, si no cagues bé, et dare un cop de bastó, Caga Tió! 

small caga tio in dish with treats

The song can be roughly translated to “Poop log, poop nougat, hazelnuts and mató cheese, if you don’t poop right, I’ll hit you with a stick, Poop Log!” After beating the friendly figure while singing the song, the children run out of the room.

That is when the parents place small gifts, nougat and other sweets under the Caga Tió’s blanket. Though the official gift giving day in Spain is Dia de los Reyes, on the 6th of January, some families have started using the Caga Tió ceremony to exchange their Christmas gifts.

When the night is over, some families put the log away to be used again the following year, while others, in a bizarre twist, throw the log in the fire.

Related article: The Most Beautiful Christmas Decorations for Your Home 

Where do I buy this Catalan Christmas pooper?

You can find Christmas logs for sale almost anywhere during the Christmas season.

Christmas markets

The best place to buy them if you want to have a lot of different Caga Tiós to choose from, is at the Christmas markets that pop up on the main squares in the city every single year. 

several caga tios

Fira de Santa Llucia

Fira de Santa Llúcia, which usually takes place in front of Santa Eulalia’s Cathedral, in the Gothic neighborhood, is the largest and most popular Christmas market in the city, where you will be able to find pocket-sized Caga Tiós, all the way to large, novelty Caga Tiós, so big that you will have trouble finding a place for them in your house.


If you can’t make it to a Christmas market or prefer to purchase your Caga Tió online, visit ViveFiestas, a costume store that sells Caga Tiós in three different sizes.

El Tio Bufo

Another good option is El Tió Bufo which not only sells Caga Tiós in all shapes and sizes, but also sells Caga Tió magnets, Caga Tió accessories, and special-themed Caga Tiós.

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Do you have a Christmas log in Barcelona?
Tell us if your house has this special Christmas tradition poop log!


About the author


Paula is an experienced content writer, translator and editor.


  • Any recommendations of a company that will ship to the US? I really wanted a Caga Tio!

    • you can make it your self because it is a very simple log with two legs and a happy face, the most difficult will be do the barretina (Catalan hat that he wears) but there are a few websites that you can check and any red and black material is OK, any blanket will work for cover it.

      Catalan girl in Finland

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